Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Flow Chart to Determine Aging Aircraft Applicability

The FAA had recognized the dangers of aging aircraft and had published the Aging Airplane Safety Interim Final Rule on December 6, 2002. On February 2, 2005, the FAA published the Aging Airplane Safety Final Rule (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2009).

The final rule specifies the following (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2009):
  • Mandatory aging airplane inspections for certain airplanes according to their years in service
  • Damage-tolerance-based inspections and procedures to be included in the maintenance programs of certain airplanes
  • Operation of these airplanes after specified deadlines will cease unless the maintenance programs under which th eairplanes are maintained include damage-tolerance-based inspections and procedures.
In order to determine the applicability the operator can use the following charts to determine if their aircraft qualify for an aging aircraft.
Decision Logic - Initial Inspections and Records Review Due Date

Decsion Logic - Applicabiltiy of Inspections and Records Review

U.S. Department of Transportation. (2009, January 15). Aging Aircraft Inspections and Records Reviews. Advisory Circular. Washington, DC, United States of America: Federal Aviation Administration.

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